Golden Pin Design Award 2022

Established in 1981, Taiwan’s Golden Pin Design Award is the most influential design award in the global Huaren market. The planning and handling of the awards, the prize-giving ceremony, and all other related events are executed by Taiwan Design Research Institute (TDRI). In 2015, the Golden Pin Design Award launched three separate award competitions – the Golden Pin Design Award, the Golden Pin Concept Design Award, and the Young Pin Design Award. While each award targets a different demographic, the purpose of each is to commend outstanding innovation in design.


「金點設計獎」(Golden Pin Design Award)在1981年創立於台灣,旨在褒揚傑出的創新設計產品與作品。透過專業肯定,鼓勵企業重視產品設計與研發,以設計力增加品牌的附加價值;同時更為消費者與市場提供優質設計的認證,進而提升全民對於設計價值與設計美學的認知,共同創造美好生活品質。